When to See an Emergency Dentist

Are you prepared for a dental emergency? Knowing when you need to call Dr. Brad Miller, your Columbia, MO, dentist at the Columbia Center for Dentistry, will help you ensure that you get the treatment you need in an emergency.

Is it an emergency?

These five situations are considered dental emergencies:

  • Dental Abscesses: Abscesses are caused by bacterial infections in your gums or the pulp inside your tooth. Without emergency treatment, the bacteria may enter your bloodstream and travel to your heart, brain, or other organs. Symptoms of abscesses can include fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore gums, pus on your gum, and facial swelling. You may also experience severe, throbbing pain in your gum, tooth, or jaw. Abscesses are treated with antibiotics. Root canal treatment will also be needed if the infection is in your tooth pulp.

  • Knocked-Out Tooth: An accident or hard blow to your mouth may result in a knocked-out tooth. If you can find your tooth, it may be possible to reimplant it if you make an emergency visit to the dentist within an hour. Rinse your tooth with water and try to put it back in the socket. If this isn't possible, put the tooth between your teeth or gums or in a closed container with your saliva or milk.

  • Loose Tooth Due to an Injury: Strong blows or falls may also loosen teeth and might even move them out of place. If your tooth has moved, gently push it back into position if you can. After you've moved the tooth back in place, resist the urge to touch it again. Don't chew on the affected side of your mouth until you've seen the dentist.

  • Facial Lacerations: Injuries that cut your face also warrant an emergency trip to the Columbia dental office. Reduce bleeding by placing a clean cloth against the cuts during your trip to the office.

  • Broken Tooth: The same types of accidents that can knock out or loosen teeth can also break them. If your tooth hurts, stop by the drugstore, and buy dental cement. Adding the cement to the ends of the teeth will temporarily ease the pain until you can see the dentist.

Whether you need a checkup or have a dental emergency, Dr. Miller, your dentist in Columbia, MO, can help you care for your smile. Call the Columbia Center for Dentistry at (573) 446-2687 to schedule your appointment.

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